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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 29th January

Good morning Year 4 you made it to Friday! Keep up with this amazing attitude at home and keep working hard! Try your best just like you would in school.

Remember you must blog me every day now! Click on the 2016 blog post to see all year 4 blogs and Mr Steele blog post to see mine. If you have trouble accessing and completing any work get an adult to email me so I can help. Parents/careers can email me on:  

Keep reading (maybe use GETEPIC!) and logging into TT Rockstars (I have started a new battle!) daily also!

Have fun and keep active! Here are your tasks for today:


PE: 21 Day Active Bingo. Read the instructions on the PDF document below and enjoy being active! Don't forget Twitter or Facebook @StJohnsPadiham


Task 1: English

Good morning Year 4 - Mrs Miskell checking in for our weekly SPaG lesson!!

Today we are going to watch a lesson from Oak Academy to learn about fronted adverbials. As you watch the video you will need to pause to complete the activities the teacher asks you to do. The teacher does suggest you have 3 different coloured pencils for the final task - it will be helpful if you have these, but you can still complete the task just using one colour: you could underline one group of words, circle the next group of words and then just write the final group. This will all make sense when you see the task at the end of the video!

Once you have watched the video and spent at least 15 minutes on the final task, there are three worksheets below for you to complete. Worksheets 1 and 2 you need to copy the question into your book and then answer it. For worksheet 3 only write the sentences with the adverbial phrase at the front of the sentence.

Please email or blog pictures  of your work, I will put answers to the worksheets on the blog after lunch.

Have a lovely weekend.


Task 1: Maths

LO: Mental Maths

It's test time! Complete the two tests below by clicking on the links, but do not scroll down too far the answers are at the end to mark your own work! Blog me your results! Have fun! Print off or copy into your exercise books. I have uploaded audio of me talking through each question to help you, play and pause as you go through the tests. 

When you have completed the test, log onto TT RockStars and practice your times tables.

By the way RIGHT click on the Maths test documents and click open in a new tab so you can still here me talking!

Maths explanation by Mr Steele


Task 3: PSHE

LO: Healthy Lifestyle and Eating

First open the document below called 'what I know about healthy eating'. Complete and finish the sentences into your exercise books, you will be able to add to these as the lesson goes on.

PSHE lesson read by Mr Steele

Now follow this PowerPoint and play the recording as I read through each slide and explain what to do for the rest of the lesson. You can pause the slides and audio at any time.

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