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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 14th July


L.O Forming calculations from an answer.

Figure it out.


Today I would like you to make up some amazing maths calculations based on yourself. I have given you a selection of questions and instead of writing the answer I want you to think of a calculation instead.

Eg The question is- How old are you?

Your answer could be 3+1x8 (remember BODMAS)

3+(1x8) = 11


Don’t make them too easy.


For your year of birth use ROMAN NUMERALS

I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L=50 C= 100  D= 500  M = 1,000

The year 2000 is MM

There are 2 PDF documents below.

Work out the example first and then try to guess who the person is.

Then do one for yourself.

RE L.O Caring for those in need is a Christian responsibility. 

Last lesson we were looking at the Sacrament of the Sick. In this topic we have one more objective to cover and that the Parable of the Good Samaritan. 

1. Watch the video of the Good Samaritan so you understand it. 

2. Read through the slides to find your task. Your task is to decode the story of the Good Samaritan. 


You can BLOG your answers or email. 

The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan - Task


We are going to continue our work studying the novel Holes by Louis Sachar.

LO: To summarise a text

LO: To understand a character

Today there are four tasks. The first one is to read or listen carefully to Chapters 18 - 22. (We listened to Chapters 18 - 20 in school). Click on the audio links below to do this. Read the information below to find out how to compete tasks 2 and 3 then finally take the Kahoot quiz for your final task.

Holes by Louis Sachar Ch. 18-20

Holes by Louis Sachar CH. 18-20 Read aloud with slides to accompany the text.(Recorded with

Holes by Louis Sachar Ch. 21-22

Holes by Louis Sachar Ch. 21-22 Read aloud with slides to accompany the story.(Recorded with

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