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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Hello Year 1 and Happy Monday


I really cannot believe that it will be July on Wednesday. I bet you have all grown so much. If we were together in school I would be reminding you that you will soon be Year 2. That is so amazing and I know that you will have grown inside so much and will be ready to set the example for the rest of KS 1 when we all return to school. Keep this in mind as you work this week please.


 Miss Dewhurst  has sent a power point to remind us all that today is the feast day of Saints Peter and Paul for you to begin your week. We need to remember  how instrumental they were in sharing the good news of Jesus and how their example can inspire us to live a life of faith. The power point is under your work for today. Please look at it.


Please try to practise the dance that I sent you last week for the Lancashire school virtual games. Here is some more information from Mr Steele.


I understand that a few of you found Friday's work tricky. That means that you need to remember to use resources to help you with your counting. I do try to remind you of this. Grown ups need to do this too sometimes!

Today here is some work from your Inspire Maths. Please write out the calculation. (and any working out you have done)



Remember to write the second sheet out just like the first.


English today is your Comprehension book. please turn to Page 29. You need to look at the answers and write the question please. Remember, careful writing please.


Finally I don't know about you but I have really enjoyed Magic Grandad so we have another to look at today. Looking at it I realised that the starting point is a little historical for you too as it was made in the 1990's!

Today it is all about transport and how it has changed. There are some horses in the program. They are Shire horses. These are the type of horse that I used to have. They are VERY large. I fell off one once. It's a long way down!

Here it is


 I don't want you to do anything other than talk to someone about the similarities and differences in transport shown in the show.


I have attached a story under here for you to listen to.

I hope you enjoy it.


Don't forget to read please.


See you tomorrow

Love Mrs Cloughheart

Peter and Paul

I'M the Best

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