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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Hi Year 6

Here are 4 RE lessons that you can do if you have to isolate at home. 

Lesson 1 explains what the Kingdom of God is and what values we need to follow to be part of God's Kingdom. 

Lesson 2 is about the parable of the hidden treasure. This is a story Jesus told to explain the Kingdom of God. 

Lesson 3- This is a piece of Art work that I want you to do. 

For Lesson 1 and 2 either type your answers straight onto the BLOG or write the work in your homework book and take a picture. 

Lesson 4- This lesson reflects on the importance of friendship. 

Lesson 1 - The Kingdom of God

Lesson 2 - The Parable of the Hidden Treasure.

The Parable of the Hidden Treasure

What would you do if you found a million dollars hidden in a field? TALK ABOUT IT *****************

Lesson 3- RE inspired art work.

Lesson 3 - Art work on The Kingdom of God.

Lesson 4- What nourishes and spoils friendship.

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