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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 8th June

Good Morning Year 3! 

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend! I have eaten lots of Birthday cake yum yum!

I am in school today so bare with me if I don't reply to your blog posts or emails immediately. 

I hope you are looking forward to another week of home learning.


Remember to:


-Practise your spellings (they are on the blog!!)

-Play on TTRS for 20 mins


-Email or blog me your work.


I hope you have a wonderful day!

Here are today's tasks...

Love Miss Townson


LO: To convert pounds to pence.

Today we are starting to look at Money in Maths.


Follow the link below to the White Rose Website.

Click on the tab named ‘Week 3 – w/c 4th May’ and look at Lesson 1 – convert pounds to pence.

Watch the video carefully and then complete the activity worksheet below.


LO: To use subheadings to organise information.

This week in English we are still working on the Film ‘Soar’ I have attached it below for you to watch again.

We are going to be working towards writing a non-chronological report about model aircraft – just like the ones Mara makes!

We have done non chronological reports in school. Can you remember what they are?

A non-chronological report is a non-fiction report that is not written in time order. They are factual, use technical language and are organised into different sections using sub-headings. Just like an information book!

I would like you to look at Resource 6a below and organise the information into subheadings that would be appropriate. You can either print it off, sticking the information under the sub headings you write. Or copy them out as a handwriting practice!


If you are struggling, resource 6b will help you with subheading ideas.


"Soar" - by Alyce Tzue

Resources for English, 6a & 6b


Read the story about the two sons, I have attached it below…

Then choose whether you would like to focus on either the first son or the second son. Answer the questions for the son you chose:

The first son

  • What did he choose to answer first?

  • Why do you think he chose as he did? How do you think he felt?

  • Can you think of some of the consequences of his choice?

  • Can you think of reasons why he changed his mind? How did he feel?

  • Do you think that was easy? Give reasons.

  • Have you ever done something like this? When ? Why?

The second son

  • What did the second son choose?

  • Why do you think he changed his mind?

  • How do you think he felt?

  • Have you ever done something like this? When? Why?

  • How do you think the father felt about his two sons?

The Two Sons story

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