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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 20th May

Good morning Year 2, I hope you are all well and keeping safe.

Thank you to all the children who sent me a picture of your disgusting sandwich- they're excellent and so creative, but ever so disgusting!cheeky I definitely turned a bit green when I saw your ingredients! Ha ha. Keep on working hard and keep in contact please laugh


Here are your learning tasks that I would like you to complete today.

Remember, you can email any work/ pictures you have completed to 


I am consistently monitoring your activity on online resources. Please make sure you’re accessing your daily tasks.


If you haven't contacted me on the school blog or by email this week, please could you do so then I know that you're ok. Thank you! smiley


Maths- L.O. Measure length (m)

Click on the link below, then click Summer Term Week 1 and watch the clip ‘Lesson 4- Measure length (m)’.


Then I would like you to click ‘Get the activity’ next to the clip. If you have a printer, please print the activity sheets and complete them. If not, put the short date and objective in your red maths book and work your way through the questions. Please don't feel like you have to copy out the questions, just writing/drawing the answers is fine. I can match your answers up to the questions. 


English- L.O. To gather vocabulary.


Today, we need to gather our vocabulary to help us write our creative instructions of ‘How to make a disgusting sandwich’ tomorrow.

In your green writing book, please put the date and L.O. Then, I would like to you to create a mind map and list vocabulary (like mine below) to describe your disgusting ingredients. You can use ideas from mine, but please DON’T copy it.


Adjectives- describe a noun

Verbs- doing words

Adverbs- describe a verb
Alliteration- 2 or more words that start with the same letter


Science- Quirky Container Contest

Please read the power point below which includes your practical and written tasks! I hope you enjoy this Science lesson.laugh  


It's a project that you can monitor and look after over half term to finish off our topic nicely!

You may wish to record the growth of your plant in a table, with headings. Such as:


Day               Height

Woohoo! My sunflower seeds have sprouted into little seedlings! 🌱🌻 I’d love to know how yours are getting on from our science task a couple of weeks ago!

Have a lovely Wednesday!

Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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