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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 15th January

Good morning Year 6!

It's Friday everybody!! Well done for working hard this week. Keep going today and then you have the weekend to rest. We loved seeing your science keys today as well as your notes for English and your decimal maths work. On the CBBC Channel, there is a food science lesson at 10.05 am with Heston Blumenthal who is a very famous chef. That should be interesting to watch and then you might like to try out any fancy cooking ideas that he shows you.

Did anybody get snow yesterday? It was piled high when I got home from work! I have added a post with a picture to the Year 6 blog so you can see. Anyway, let's get switched on and see what we are learning today...



Today's exercise choices:

1. Go outside for a refreshing walk.

2. Click on the link to Go Noodle and complete 3 of your favourite routines.

3. Click on the link to Joe Wicks to tackle his exercise routine today. (He's back today for fancy dress Friday). 

4. Have a go at the Bingo Challenge Mr Steele has put on the main Class Page - this looks fun!



A massive well done to Annalise, Gracie and Miley who are definitely reading champions on the getepic website. If you have forgotten how to log on to this website, the Year 6 blog post 8.1.21 tells you how to log on to read these books.  Aim for 10 - 15 minutes of reading each day. 


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 15-1-21 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.



YIPPEE! It’s Friday and it’s Arithmetic Day. Today it is Y6 Spring TEST 2. Click on the PDF document below and your questions will appear.

Before you start your work, I would like you to click on the link to Y6 video page. You will see a video called 15-1-21 Arithmetic. I have talked through each question to remind you how to do them. Please watch it as it will help you.

I have also at the end talked through LONG DIVISION as these were the questions that most of your struggled on last week.

Do your working out and answers in your Maths Book and then get someone to mark it for you or mark it yourself. BLOG me your score out of 30 please.

Please don’t open the answers until you have done the work it won’t help you.



I’ve  set up a battle on Times Table Rock Stars. Boys against Girls. It will only last for 1 day and opens at 9.00am so make sure you don’t miss it. 

  • Every correct answer in any game type is worth 1 point towards your team's score. In other words, you can play in Garage, Rock Slam, Soundcheck, etc and earn 1 point per correct answer.


LO: To use cohesive devices

Today we are going to write a fabulous biography about Katherine Johnson using our notes from yesterday. We are going to include fronted adverbials (our Oak Academy learning) to stick our notes together. Read the information and instructions on the powerpoint below to guide you through this lesson.


LO: To explore Latin American music

As we are exploring the continent of South America, we are going to listen to music from this part of the world. It is called Latin American music. I LOVE this type of music and I hope you will too (especially Theo and Braidon!) after watching the clips below. Follow the instructions on the powerpoint and enjoy this music lesson.


Latin American Instruments

Introduction to Latin American Music

A selection of examples of Latin American music


Before Christmas, you may remember me talking about PERFORMANCE POETRY and how this half term we were going to be learning poems and performing them. When we get back to school we will still be doing this, but whilst school is closed I will be posting a video for you to watch and enjoy of my favourite performance poets. Obviously, the great Michael Rosen will be the first one. 



Chocolate Cake performed by Michael Rosen

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