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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 28th January

Good morning Year 3! 


I hope you are all having a great week of home learning! 


Today you have 4 tasks:


1. Maths

2. English

3. History

4. Listen to me reading Chapter 18 of The Creakers on the Videos section of the website. I have put the link below. Scroll down to find the Year 3 2020-2021 section. 


Enjoy your day and keep smiling!


Love Mrs Sethi x


LO: To calculate change.
Today Year 3, you are going to log onto Education City for your Maths lesson! If you have any problems remembering your details, either ring school or email me and I will help you.

Once you have logged in, you need to find your Classwork that is called ‘Thursday 28th January 2021- Maths’ and follow the instructions on the Learn Screen and then complete the activity afterwards. I will be able to see that you have done the work, so you don’t need to email me anything for Maths.


LO: To develop a rich understanding of words associated with meals.


To start our lesson, you need to follow the link below and then watch the video. This lesson is all about developing your vocabulary and understanding of words that might be used when writing about meals.


If the teacher asks you to pause the video and do a task in your books, make sure you pause it. Listen carefully to the teacher and then send me a picture of your work on my email. Enjoy!


LO:  To explore who Boudica was from different points of view

Carrying on with our Romans topic, today we are going to be finding out about Boudica, who she was and why she is so famous and remembered now.

First, I would like you to work your way through the power point below, it goes through the timeline of events that Boudica was involved in. It also explains how the Celts and the Romans both felt about Boudica…. it was very different!

Once you have read through the power point, I want you to find Worksheet 4C in your Home Learning Packs. There are two boxes for you to fill out. One to imagine you are a Celt describing Boudica and another that you are a Roman describing Boudica. Think about how their opinions were very different and what words they might have used to describe her. There are some words on worksheet 4A that might help you.

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