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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 14th January

Task 1

Maths - Making 7 and 8.

Click on the link - Super quick subitising to 10.

You will need your tens frame and coloured counters from your pack. Cut out 10 counters.

Click on the video and watch Mrs Collins making 5 on a tens frame.

Can you make 7? Can you find 5 different patterns to make 7?

Can you write on your whiteboard 2 numbers that make 7?

Can you make 8? Can you find 5 different patterns to make 8?

Can you write on your whiteboard 2 numbers that make 8?


Making 5 on a tens frame

Still image for this video

Task 2


Click on the link - Rhyming words game

Write the rhyming words on your whiteboards.

CVC Bingo - Write the following CVC words on separate pieces of paper:

man, dog, got, cot, kit, mop,                                cat, rug, hat, bog & fin.

You need to choose and write 9 of the words on your bingo grid. Your adult will hold up a CVC word and if you have it then you can cross it out. Don't forget to segment and blend the sounds.

Good luck smiley

Task 3

UW - Solids and Liquids - Melting & Literacy - Listening & Following instructions. EAD - Making Chocolate Rice Krispies or Cornflakes.

You will need:


Rice Krispies or cornflakes


Wooden spoon

bun cases

How to make chocolate rice krispies or cornflakes:

1. Break the chocolate up into small pieces in a bowl. 

2. Melt the chocolate. (You must have an adult to help you.)

3. Add the rice krispies or cornflakes to the melted chocolate.

4. Mix the chocolate and rice krispies or cornflakes.

5. Fill the bun cases with the mixture.

6. leave them to set.

7. Eat them.

Don't worry if you don't have the ingredients you can make something else.

Don't forget to take a photo. Enjoy smiley


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