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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 1st April

Good morning Year 2 smiley 

Happy April Fools Day!

Here are your learning tasks that I would like you to complete today.

Remember, you can email any work/ pictures you have completed to 


One or two emails a week will be sufficient. I am consistently monitoring your children’s activity on online resources. Please don’t worry.



Wednesday 1st April       01/04/202


Wednesday morning PE lesson with Joe Wicks, the Body Coach, live on youtube!


Maths- Log onto 'Times Table Rockstars'. I would like you to play this for at least 20 minutes. laugh


English- L.O. To write a setting description.

Imagine the children have entered the Enchanted Wood. They climb the Magic Faraway Tree and meet their friends who live there. When they get to the top of the tree, they climb the ladder through the clouds and enter a new, magical land. It is a land of inventions! In this land, they can visit all of the mysterious shops and take any of the inventions for free! See the picture below.

I would like you to write me an exciting setting description (1 detailed paragraph) for this new land- the Land of Inventions. Let your imagination run wild!

Some questions to think about when writing your description:

What can you see?

What can you hear?

What creatures live there?

What can you do there?


Remember to use exciting adjectives, powerful verbs and similes to help your setting description come to life!

Here is your sentence opener for your paragraph:


In the Land of Inventions, there are…


RE- L.O. To explore opportunities that Lent offers.

Please read the Church’s Story below.

On an A4 blank piece of paper, could you design me a poster describing some of the actions that Christians might do during Lent?

Please make sure your sentences are written in your best handwriting with capital letters and full stops.

When you have finished your poster, put the date on the top and put it back safely into your yellow folder.

*To cheer us all up, why not blog me your favourite joke today cheeky*


*Please try and make some time to read to your adult at some point today and fill in your reading diary!*



Keep on working hard Year 2, I am very proud of you!heart

Your messages on the blog and your emails with pictures are fabulous!

Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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