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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 8th February

Good morning Year 3,


I hope you all had a lovely relaxing weekend. 

Today you have 3 tasks:


1. Maths

2. English

3. RE


I will see you on TEAMs at 10am. Remember to give yourself breaks and make sure you do something active!


Please remember to send me your work every day. You can also do some reading on get epic and play on TTRS. 


I look forward to seeing all your wonderful work,


Love Mrs Sethi x

LO: To draw bar charts.

This week we are going to continue with statistics but look at bar graphs. This is another way of representing data. Watch the video below, pausing it each time you are asked to do a question or activity. When you are asked to draw a bar graph, you will need to use a pencil, ruler and the book that has squares in.


You will need a dice for the last activity on the video. I’m sure you all have some somewhere in a game that you can use. 


Once you have finished this video, I want you to complete the Arithmetic paper I have attached below. I will post the answers on the blog tomorrow for you to mark your work with. Comment with your score!

Draw bar charts activity


LO: To identify the features of a non-chronological report.

This week we are going to be looking at non-chronological reports. These are texts that are factual and give us information on a topic. You are going to work towards writing your own non-chronological report next week. Today we are going to look at the features of these texts and identify some of them in an example.

First I would like you to read through the 4 examples of non-chronological reports that I have attached below. Which one did you like the best?

Then, I have attached a poster that outlines the features included on a non-chronological report. You then have a worksheet where the text is all mixed up and in the wrong order. In your books, organise the non-chronological report in the correct order. You can print it out and cut and stick it in the right order, write it out yourself or number it. 


LO: To research St John the Baptist’s Feast Day.




Today we are going to be looking at the patron Saint of our school: St John the Baptist.

I would like you to use the internet to find as much information as you can about him and his special day. I would then like you to put all that information into a poster.

You need to include when his feast day occurs, why he is special, what he did, stories about him in the Bible and any other information you can find. I look forward to seeing your lovely posters either on my email or on the blog.
