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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 1st March

Task 1

Maths - Number bonds 10

Watch the video - Let's do the 10 dance.

Problem: Can you find the number that makes 10?


On your whiteboards write any pair of numbers that make 10. Make sure your numbers are the correct way round.


Let's do the 10 dance

Still image for this video

Task 2

Phonics - Revise Phase 3 sounds

Click on the School videos - Reception class 2020-2021 and Watch the video - Revise the Phase 3 sounds.


Task 3

RE - Lent - Alms Giving

Watch the video - Holy Kids - Lent

Watch the video - Reception's Alms Giving for Lent.

Watch the video - The Trussell Trust & Foodbanks are Heroes.


I would like you to make a poster.





Holy Kids! Lent

Still image for this video

Reception's Alms Giving for Lent

Still image for this video

Foodbanks are Heroes

Still image for this video

The Trussell Trust

Still image for this video
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