Good Morning Year 3!!
April's Fool Day! Don't be tricking your parents this morning... Hehe!
You are all doing so well with your Home Learning, keep it up!
Remember to try and read every day and practise your spellings.
Here are today's tasks...
Love Miss Townson 
As we have finished reading The Iron Man, I would like you to write a book review. I have attached the text and videos of the book if you want to listen again/read. Here is a template for a book review, you can copy these sections onto a double page spread in your work books.
Get your INSPIRE Assessment books out of your Home Learning Packs and turn to Page 7.
I would like you to complete Section A (page 7 -9).
I will post the answers onto the blog tomorrow for you to mark your own. You can comment then and let me know how you did 
Log onto Education City and complete the Classwork named 'Wednesday 1st April - Science' This is all about How plants grow and what they need. Work your way through the activities. I will be looking to see who has logged on 
Extra Fun Activity:
In your work books fill in each blank space with the correct word.
1) April Fools' Day is not really a holiday. It's more of a day to play ____________________ (jokes/funny) on people.
2) In English-speaking countries, this is the day when you try to make your friends believe something that isn't true, and if they believe it you're ____________________ (supposed/supported) to say "April Fool!"
3) The origins of the day are ____________________ (unclear/uncleaned).
4) April Fools' Day is celebrated in various different ways in many countries around the world. In Poland, for example, the tradition is to get people wet by ____________________ (pouring/poring) water on them.
5) A "practical joke" is a playful trick that usually puts the receiver in an ____________________ (embarrassing/embarrass) position.
6) Another word for "practical joke" is ____________________ (prank/plank).
7) I can't believe you ____________________ (felt/fell) for it! = I can't believe you believed it!
8) A ____________________ (saga/hoax) is an attempt to trick an audience (or person) into believing that something false is real.
9) In several English-speaking countries, including the UK, Australia and New Zealand, April Fools' ____________________ (customary/tradition) says that you have to play a joke before noon (12:00 PM).
10) If you play a joke after 12:00 PM, you, yourself, are ____________________ (considered/consigned) the "fool".
11) A ____________________ (gullible/sellable) person is one who believes things very easily.