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Good Morning Year 6!
Happy Tuesday everyone! We had some great blogs yesterday from Oliver, Martha, Daisha and Michael in particular and some fabulous email work too. (The South America Climate answers are in the Geography folder on the Year 6 website page). Well done everybody! Keep up the good work for today's tasks. Laptops on, books out and we are off!!
Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 9-6-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.
Today's dance exercise is by Kidz Bop. You have 34 minutes of fun to look forward to!
Click on the link below to start today's exercise.
L.O Identifying Sets
This is a new topic, so it’s very important that you watch the video first. Click on the link below and watch the video. Once you have watched the video click on the PDF document to find your questions. There are 23 maths questions today. Write your answers in your maths book or you can type. Eg 1. Musical Genre
You may have to do some research to find the answers. Please try to find the names of all the sets.
There is a PDF with the answers. Please don’t look at the answers until you have finished your work. Once you have finished you can mark your work and send me your score out of 23.
LO: To write a diary entry
Today you are going to write an informal diary entry from the point of view of Francis Brandywine, from the start of the day to where she sneaks out of the tent at night to go on the row boat. Go to the English folder on the Year 6 website page to find out more information about this task.
LO: To understand song lyrics
Last week, we listened to a brilliant clip with 9 different Latin American music styles. The song we are going to listen to today is based on the Mariachi style from Mexico, which if you remember, is often used to send a message from an admirer. Not surprisingly, this song is often played at weddings! It has simple lyrics (in the Spanish language) where a man tells his partner that he’s not rich or hasn’t got an important job but he has big ambitions for the future.This music is one of the most famous Latin American songs EVER and is called ‘La Bamba’ by Los Lobos. It was written in 1958 at the beginning of the Rock and Roll boom in America. Firstly, listen and enjoy!
I have put the information and task in the slides BELOW the clip so you can switch more easily when you need to pause the clip and then read the instructions.
LO: To revise numbers
Bonjour Year 6. Today we are revising our numbers up to 60 in preparation for the next few lessons on telling the time. If you click on the audio icon on the slides you will hear me saying all the numbers for you to 'listen and repeat', there is a video to watch and then i'd like you to write out your 5 times table - in French!! You can write this in your books, on a word document, or straight into the comments on my blog post - just don't forget to send any work to Mrs Jones and she will forward then on to me!
Keep up the good work!!