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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 26th March

Good morning Year 2!


Here are your learning tasks that I would like you to complete today.

Remember, you can email any work/ pictures you have completed to 


Thank you so much to all the families who have emailed me pictures so far. I love seeing your work and what you have all been up to. heart


Thursday 26th March       26/03/2020


Thursday morning PE lesson with Joe Wick's, the Body Coach, live on youtube!


Maths- Log onto 'Times Table Rockstars'. I would like you to play this for at least 20 minutes. (I love all the online activity on this resource I have seen so far from you over the last few days! laugh)



English- In your yellow pack, please could you find and complete the first half your SATS 2018 Reading prompt and answer booklet. The text is ‘Little Cousin Claire’, pages 4-11.

Take your time when reading the text. Read each little section twice if you need to. Don’t try and make up the answers, they will be there to find in the text!

Once you have finished the first half of the booklet, go back and check that you are happy with the answers you have put.



Geography- ‘Let’s go on Safari’. Please find your double-sided worksheet in your pack (it should be inside your plastic wallet), with a grid map of a savannah on one side and clues on the other. There should also be a set of little animal pictures to go with this activity sheet.

Your job is to read a clue, cut out the little animal picture to match the clue and stick the animal picture on the grid map of the savannah where it belongs. Continue to do this for all of the clues.

Once finished, please put the short date on the top and keep this sheet safe in your folder.

Happy plotting! smiley 




See it you can blog me your favourite African animal on my new post today, I’ll keep an eye out for you mail



*Please try and make some time to read to your adult at some point today and fill in your reading diary!*



Well done for your continued hard work, my little super stars! I miss you all very much. Hope you’re all keeping safe. heart

Love, Miss Dewhurst

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