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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 22nd June

Good Morning Year 1




Here is this week's Assembly sent to us by Miss Dewhurst. Please look and listen to it thank you.


Today I would like you to continue waking up with PE as you have been doing. Mr Steele has sent teachers some information about a virtual sports day which will take place next week. I will keep you informed!


Today for Maths I want you to think about Measuring again. It is on Education City. It is called Measurement Monday 22nd June. You have done really well with measuring time. length, mass. I am so impressed. Let's make today's just as good.


Then to your Comprehension books. Page 28 please. It is called My Favourite books. You need to read carefully as usual and please write carefully. I have been commenting on some of your writing you have been sending. I can see some great improvements. Keep it up please.


Finally to History. I have chosen another Magic Grandad story for you to see. It is about having a bath. It certainly was very funny to see how baths were had a hundred years ago!

I would like you to explain to me what your bathroom is like and if you would have preferred to have a bath and go to the toilet like you do now or like Magic Grandad did. I certainly know what I think!


Thank you Year 1 for keeping me going!


Under here is a message for Daisy from Ellie! Thank you Ellie!


Keep on working hard

Love Mrs Cloughheart




For Daisy

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