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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 20th July

Happy Tuesday and more importantly, happy last day of primary school Year 6!

You made it! You have successfully completed this part of your life and in a very unusual way! We didn't get to spend the entire year together but we still created many happy memories.

Don't forget to check texts and emails for a link from Mrs McKeating to take you into the Black Hat reward assembly this morning at 11.00am. Year 6 are invited to stay on after the raffle ticket draw to say our goodbyes. 

You are a fantastic group of children that I can imagine will always keep in contact with each other and be friends for life. Never forget each other and your special time at St John's. All the staff here wish a happy and successful future to you all. Enjoy today's special learning and then have a fabulous summer holidays!


Task 1

Ask your parents or carers for permission to watch the film 'Holes' on Netflix. We didn't get to the end of this fantastic book but if you watch the film you will be able to make all the connections and find out what happened to Stanley and why they were digging all those holes.

Task 2

Read the following slides because they are FULL of good luck messages to Year 6 pupils from famous authors. They all wish you well!


Here is your final Kahoot quiz and it's a great maths challenge. Type in your FIRST NAME only then click go. Good luck everyone!!


Your final task is to build a bridge! Remember building bridges in the Autumn Term? We had great fun with card, art straws and TONS of sellotape! Have a look at the slides below to find out what this bridge is made out of. CLUE: Yum!!

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