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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 16th July

Happy Thursday and more importantly, happy last day of primary school Year 6!

You made it! You have successfully completed this part of your life and in such a strange way that you will never forget being the lockdown class of 2020! We only had part of the year together in school but that time was enough for us to recognise that this Year 6 class was a special one. Why is that? Because quite simply you really do care for each other and follow our school mission statement. You are a fantastic group of children that I can imagine will always keep in contact with each other and be friends for life. Never forget each other and your special time at St John's. All the staff here wish a happy and successful future to you all. Enjoy today's special learning and then have a fabulous summer holidays!



Click on the link below and it will take you to the video page. I have created two videos for you.

The Talent Show and The Leavers' Memories.

I hope you enjoy watching them. 

Send your final messages on the BLOG telling everyone how brilliant they are. 

JZ Raps - Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss

One of my favourite books. I hope you enjoy it.

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