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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 26th March

Good Morning Year 3, 


Keep up all the hard work at home, you are all super stars!! heart

I am really enjoying receiving your emails showing me what you're up to at home. If you want to email anything, the address is: 

Ask your parents to help emailing smiley

Keep reading and practising your spellings when you can and KEEP SMILING laugh

Love Miss Townson yes


Here are your learning tasks for today...

English/Guided Reading:


Today I would like you to listen/read Chapter 5 of The Iron Man again. Follow the links below to the YouTube video of it read aloud and the text for you to follow. 

Copy the date and LO and then answer the following questions in full sentences into your workbooks:

Thursday 26th March 2020

LO: To use knowledge and information to predict what might happen next. 


1) The Iron Man has ordered steel girders and fuel oil. What do you think his plan was? (Use a dictionary or the internet to find out what these things are)

2) Why do you think the space-bat-angel-dragon ‘couldn’t believe his ears’ when the Iron Man challenged him? 


Use your imagination Year 3!

Post on the 'Iron Man Chapter 5' blog post if you have any problems or questions. 



Log on to Education City and I would like you to work through the activities labelled 'Thursday 26th July - Maths'. Your activities are all based around addition.

The end one is a Play Live session so you will be able to play against your friends, just like in class!




As we have been looking at program music (Peter and the Wolf) and composed motifs to represent characters (Little Red Riding Hood, Grandma, the wolf and the woodcutter), I thought you might like to watch the video below of Carnival of the Animals by the French composer Saint Saens. The composer has tried to create music that sounds like a flamingo.

After watching, sketch a flamingo in your workbook and describe how the music represented the character.Think about: 

pitch (high and low sounds)

tempo (fast or slow)

dynamics (loud or quiet)

How could you describe each of these?

If you want to email me your work, I will pass on your pictures to Mrs Jones smileymail

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