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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 16th July

Good morning Year 5. Well, here we are...your last day in Year 5. I never thought that our final day together would be spent apart (that sounds so strange, doesn’t it?) and that the school year would finish off as it has! Although we haven’t been together as a class since March, I am still so incredibly proud of you all for the way you have continued to work and made the best out of a tricky situation! Some of you have kept in contact with me and blogged or emailed your work every single day which is a fantastic achievement. I have loved receiving your emails and blog posts and they have really made me smile. I have loved looking at your fabulous work, but I have also loved seeing pictures of you cooking, walking and even new outfits!


As I sit and look back on our short year together, I am smiling thinking about how far you have all come. It’s been a very strange year – one that I don’t think any of us will forget in a hurry – but you should be proud of yourself to adjusting to the changes so well.


I know you will be a fantastic Year 6 class if you continue to work as hard as you did in Year 5. I can’t wait to see your achievements next year and I’ll be checking up on you all! Whilst I will miss you next year, I know you will love it in Year 6 and I hope you’re looking forward to it. Please wave at me through the window and still pop in to say hello!


I hope you have a lovely, restful summer holiday ready to come back to school nice and refreshed in September. Use every day to the fullest, read, try to make someone smile, help someone, say a kind word to someone, dream things you'd like to do and work to make them possible. And, at the end of the day, be able to say, "Yes, I used the day, well."


That’s all from me. Thank you so very much for being such a wonderful class and making me one very proud teacher. Enjoy your final lessons in Year 5…

Year 5 memories

Today, I want you to reflect on your time in Year 5. I want you to write to me celebrating all that you have achieved this year. Even though it was a short year, I can think of SO many things that we did that were brilliant.For example: all the books we read (Viking Boy, Kensuke’s Kingdom, Harry Potter, The Nowhere Emporium), using Oreo biscuits in Science, our class assembly, Bikeability etc. The list is endless. If you want to make me really happy on the last day, why don’t you include relative clauses, parenthesis and varied sentence openers? I know you want to! Use the information below as a guide if want to.


What topics have you enjoyed the most this year?
Which book was your favourite?
What is your favourite memory?
What have you improved on or achieved?
What are your goals for next year?


Send these the normal way – email or the blog.


Number Sequences and Patterns

Please find your CGP Year 5 Maths Homework Book. I would like you to complete pages 45 and 46 which focus on number sequences and patterns. Take your time and have a go. Mark your work when you have finished and let me know your score.


Coding and programming

Log on to Education City and find your lesson ‘16/7/20 – Computing.’ There are 4 games that you need to complete. Try your best and have a go as they are quite technical. I’m sure you’ll all be a lot better than me like you were when we were on Hour of Code earlier on in the year! If you finish these and want to go on Hour of Code to continue, please do so and let me know any good games!


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