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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 10th July

Good morning! Today is your last Friday in Year 5! I can’t believe how fast time has gone. I know it’s getting to the end of the year but please keep up with your learning the best you can. Yesterday, only 8 children tried and completed the Maths work. It’s really important for when you move in to Year 6. I hope you have a lovely weekend.


Here are today’s lessons:

LO – To answer questions on a given text.

Today I would like you to get your CGP Comprehension Book. I would like you to read ‘From a Railway Carriage’ on p16 and then answer the questions on p17. I would also like you to read ‘Tracking Basking Sharks’ on p18 and then answer the questions on p19. That’s 12 questions in total. Read the extracts carefully and take your time when answering the questions.

Arithmetic Test.

Arithmetic day again! Today’s test is slightly different to the ones we normally do. Try your best and take your time working out the answers. When you have finished, mark the test and let me know your score.

LO – To understand what cyberbullying looks like and how to deal with it.

This is a very important lesson as cyberbullying can sometimes happen so we all need to know what it is and how to deal with it. Please log in to Education City and find your lesson ‘10/7/20 – Cyberbullying.’ Once you have completed it, make an appealing poster which explains what cyberbullying is and how it can be dealt with. Make it neat, colourful and take your time. You can do these on the computer or on a piece of paper. Send these in to me the normal way.





Have a lovely weekend. Only 4 more days left!

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