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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 23rd February

Happy Tuesday Year 4, well done yesterday. Keep up the good work and ty your best!

Don't forget to meet me on Microsoft Teams at 9:35 every morning, to go through your tasks. It should be easy to join through the calendar by clicking on the meeting on that day, and you will be waiting in a lobby until I open the meeting. Please make sure you log on and join the meeting because I will be doing a register!

Remember to keep blogging or emailing me every day! 

Keep reading using the GETEPIC website or app and logging into TTRS daily also!

Have fun and keep active! Here are you task for today:


PE today have a go at this Lancashire School Games - Stay at Home Heroes: Netball - "Shoot Out"

This document will give more details about this PE activity and why not send a video on Twitter and add @StJohnsPadiham


Task 1: English

LO: To develop a love for reading

Today I would like you to watch the two Oak Academy lessons below and complete the activities during the lesson while watching.

The lesson is all exploring examples of genre in literature. You will explore the different kinds of reading we do each day and create a 24 hour reading log. You will also explore how reading builds empathy. You will share recommended reads and explore character traits in order to describe a favourite character.



Task 2: Maths

LO: More graphs and charts!

Listen to my voice recording below and flick through the slides underneath. I will speak and explain each slide and your tasks at the end. Pause at anytime if you need to. 

Maths task explained by Mr Steele.


Task 3: French

LO: To be able to use colours to describe a pet

Bonjour! Welcome back after the half term break. This week we are continuing learning about pets, and we will be learning how to describe the colour of an animal.

Watch the Oak Academy lesson below and complete the tasks the teacher ask you to do during the lesson. Once the lesson and tasks have been completed, open the worksheet below. 

There are 10 sentences for you to complete using the table at the top of the worksheet to help you. You will notice there are some additional animals and colours on the table so you will need to follow the rules from the lesson to complete the sentences.

Please remember to blog or email pictures of your work smiley


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