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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 12th February

Good morning Year 3!


To celebrate the LAST DAY of learning before Half Term on TEAMs today, we are going to show our pets or our favourite teddies! I can't wait! 


Today you have 3 tasks:


1. Maths

2. English

3. Computing

Listen to Bishop John's Lenten Message below. Lent starts during our Half Term.


I hope you all have a wonderful day... and a wonderful half term! Have a great rest, you all deserve it!


Love Mrs Sethi x

A Lenten Message to Primary School Pupils from Bishop John

A message at Lent 2021 from Bishop John to primary school pupils in our diocese


LO: To interpret bar charts.




Today’s Maths lesson is on Education City. I would like you to log on and find the classwork called ‘Friday 12th February – Maths’ There are a few activities for you to complete and then you have a worksheet that you can do into your books. The answers are on the last sheet, you can use this to mark your work. Make sure you comment on the blog to let me know how you found the Maths lesson.


LO: To complete a comprehension.
Today you are going to complete a comprehension task from your CGP book. Get this out of your home learning pack and turn to page 6. You need to read the text called ‘Nature Trail’ and then answer the questions on page 7. Please send me a picture of your work, either on the blog or on my email.


LO: To identify reliable sources online.

Today we are going to have a Computing lesson that looks into reliable sources online. We are going to look at what news articles we can trust and what to look for. The internet is full of fake news and we have to be detectives and work out what we can trust. The first thing I would like you to do is to look at the power point below that is a quiz and explains all the important things we should look out for online.

Once you have worked your way through that, I have attached a link to the Twinkl Go site. You need to enter the child log in pin number I have attached below that will allow you onto the interactive quiz. Work your way through the quiz! Comment on my blog post to let me know what your score was!


Child log in: MO0325

That is a capital M, capital O and then the numbers 0325

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