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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Year 3

Welcome to Year 3
Class Teacher - Mrs Sethi
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Miskell


Maths and English homework are set on a Friday to be completed by the following Friday.

They will stuck into the children's Maths and English Homework books and spellings will be posted on this class page below.
Homework books with completed work in should be returned by the following Friday. The children will also have a spelling test every Friday.


Any queries can be emailed to:



Reading books will be changed when returned to school. Please ensure your child brings their reading book to school at least once each week.



If you are at home isolating because you are waiting for a COVID-19 test result for you or your family member or you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and been asked to isolate, please click on the subjects below to find your work. 

Every day you are absent we expect you to do:

1 Maths lesson, START AT LESSON 1

1 English lesson, START AT LESSON 1

1 other lesson of your choice


You can do your work in your homework books that you have at home and take a picture to post on the blog or email me:


Please also read every day, practise your times tables on TTRS and complete your homework as normal. 


This work will compliment but not clash with the work we are doing in class. If you need to isolate more than once you can just continue from where you left off. 


Home Learning:


Hello Year 3! 

To access your home learning, please click today's date below to see your tasks. You will have a variety of tasks to complete each day, just like we would have in class. 

Every day we meet on TEAMs at 10am, I will do a register and then go through your tasks for the day. Please make sure you are ready at 10am. 


If I have set you a written task, I expect the same written standard as in class. You need to write the date and Learning Objective neatly and underline it. You can complete this work in your Home Work books. 


Have fun and remember to email me your work:

I would also like you to comment every day on the blog to let me know how you are and how you are finding your work. 


I'm sure you will all do me proud laugh
Love Mrs Sethi heart

If you do not have access to a laptop, tablet or device at home, please see the guidance below on how to use a Playstation 4 or Xbox One to navigate the internet. This means you can access your class page via your console to see what your Home Learning Tasks are.

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