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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Year 6


Year 6's top teaching team consists of Mrs Baird, Mrs Jones and Miss Earnshaw. Mr Kelly joins us for PE and Mrs Howley teaches French.

In Year 6 we aim to always try our best and work with the love of God in our hearts and minds.

Presenting the 2016 Seeds and Gardeners:


Year 6 children had lots of fun experiencing life as a World War II evacuee. Formal classroom work in the morning was followed by first aid, knitting and shelter building lessons interrupted by a few unexpected air-raids! A huge thank you to all families who helped the children with their traditional outfits and food made using rationing restrictions. The biscuits and cakes were nevertheless, delicious!



WOW!! Year 6 has had a brilliant week being creative across the entire curriculum! Our wonderful children have enjoyed many lessons including creating rangoli patterns, singing scientific light-themed songs, playing gamelan melodies on the glockenspiels, dancing in Bollywood style, investigating a murder mystery using chromatography, painting henna patterns on their hands and writing an alliterative firework themed poem. It was AWESOME!

Year 6 Class Assembly

Year 6 performed The Gospel Show for their class assembly. They were absolutely magnificent and sang, danced and acted amazingly well. Everyone loved this fantastic show. Well done Year 6!!

World Book Day

What a fantastic day we have had! The children all looked super in their book character costumes. Thanks must go to all family members who helped making these outfits. They were brilliant!


World Book Day Challenge

Amazing! Well done Year 6 on your fabulous World Book Day challenge. You entries were fantastic and we loved seeing them in class where they are now on display. A big thank you to everyone who got involved and helped on this task.

Year 6 Residential to Borwick Hall

What an amazing time Year 6 had! They were absolutely fabulous and thoroughly enjoyed their weekend at Borwick. All children joined in the activities and supported each other through the challenges. The centre staff were fabulous, the food was delicious and the weather was perfect!

Thank you to all the adults involved, at home and at school, for making this trip possible. Enjoy the photographs!

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