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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 12th March 2021

Hello Year One 


Welcome back to school, I am so pleased to have you all back in my classroom. You have all worked super hard this week, you deserve a huge round of applause. 


I have set 2 pieces of homework that need to be completed by next Thursday 18th March 2021.  Please can you also continue to read your reading books over the weekend. You can also continue to access Get Epic Reading.


All homework needs to be photographed and emailed to 

I will be keeping a record of who is completing their homework.



Please access the worksheet below to find out your task. Remember to use Capital Letters, Finger Spaces and Full Stops. 



I have set you a counting objects task to refresh your counting skills. Please try your best to complete the question and remember to write your numbers the correct way round. 



Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday morning. 

Miss Armstrong smiley

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