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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 21st January

Good morning Year 3,


I hope you are all having a wonderful week, the weather has been horrible hasn't it so far! Hopefully you are managing to get some fresh air in between showers!


Today you have 4 tasks:

1. English

2. Maths

3. RE

4. Read chapter 3 of 'Case of the Unbreakable Code' on 


Have a great day!


Love Mrs Sethi x 



LO: To convert pounds and pence.
Carrying on with money, we are going to be converting pounds and pence today. Carefully watch the video, pausing it to complete the questions and then do the worksheet below.


Remember to play on TTRS too!

Convert pounds and pence


LO: To correctly add apostrophes to a text.


Today Year 3, you are going to look at the text that I have attached below. You will notice that lots of punctuation has been missed out! I would like you to write it as neatly as possible into your books, adding the correct punctuation. Think about all the learning you have done on apostrophes this week, where are they missing? Don’t forget our non-negotiables too – capital letters and full stops.


LO: To reflect on a journey through a year.
Today Year 3, we are going to start our new topic in RE: Journeys. We will be looking at lots of different journeys that we go on through life. Today we are going to look at the year as a whole and focus on the 4 seasons. Can you remember what they are called? I’m sure you can: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. I would like you to split your page into 4 equal parts and I want you to decorate each section with pictures for each season. For example, you might draw baby animals and daffodils for spring, or a birthday cake in summer if that’s when your birthday is! You want to use different colours for the seasons which reflect the mood of that season. If you have paints at home, you could use paints to colour it in or just use pencil crayons or felt tips. I can’t wait to see your lovely pictures!

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