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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 18th June

It's Thursday already, keep up the amazing work! Keep having fun and stay active!

Remember to blog or email me when you have completed a task! Not everyone is blogging , logging onto TT RockStars (there is a new BATTLE) or logging onto Education City: If you are struggling to log onto any of these please let me know via adult email:

Don't forgot you can see photo's, videos and work from Year 4 by clicking on the link on Year 4's class page. Adults can send me photo's via email!

Here are today's tasks:



Task 1: Maths

LO: To estimate, compare and calculate numbers including money

Today's Maths you can complete and copy all the questions into your exercise book from the PowerPoint below, teach yourself and pause on the slides with the questions on to complete. I will add the worksheet below as well, from the document below the slides choose either: tricky, trickier or trickiest and complete into your exercise book. Pause the slideshow and follow the PowerPoint carefully, you can do your own extra learning to help you understand or get help from an adult. Good luck and remember to just have a go!

Thursday's Maths Lesson


Task 2: English

LO: To use and punctuate direct speech

Log onto Education City, click on classwork then on English Task: Thursday 18th June. Complete all the activities and any sheets into you exercise books. Don't forget the date and learning objective. Try your best and just have a go, enjoy! It looks like this:


Task 3: RE

LO: To understand that everyone is loved by Jesus

Read the PowerPoint carefully below to understand the importance of friendships and how you have to work hard to keep them positive and happy. Answer any questions and complete the work into you exercise books. Today's lesson is about you are your friendships, you do not have to show me any work as it might be private for you. Use the song I have upload below to have your own worship it will be a time to reflect, pray and stay happy.

RE Lesson - Thursday 18th June

Song: Make me a channel of your peace. Listen and have a moment of prayer during this song. Reflect on today's RE lesson.

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