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Good morning Year 4 you are doing some amazing work thank you, keep up the good work! This week, as well as completing your lessons that I set on here, you need to make sure you:
Only 4 children blogged yesterday, so well done to those that do, however a lot of you are not blogging me, so I don't know if you are doing work.
Here are today's task enjoy:
Task 1: English
LO: To use imagination to create descriptive writing
Today's English task is all explained in the PowerPoint video below, you should here my voice my explaining what to do. Write into your exercise books or paper, don't forget the date and learning objective. Have fun and enjoy using your imagination to write!
Task 2: Maths
LO: To solve two-step problems
Today's Maths task you need to log onto Education City, click on classwork and click on Maths Task: Tuesday 2nd June. Complete all the activities, copy any sheets into you exercise book and only use the answers to check your work! Enjoy! It looks like this:
Task 3: French
LO: Colours
Bonjour Year 4, I hope you have had a lovely half term! Over the next few lessons we are going to learn how to describe someone's facial features. In this first lesson you will learn some new vocabulary. Click and open the PowerPoint below. As you look at each slide I would like you to copy the answers to the questions and write their English translations. Then on the final slide there are four pictures. Use the language you have used in the lesson to describe the hair and eye colour of each person. Imagine you are the person, so your sentences will all start with j'ai, meaning i have.
Please email or blog any pictures of your work, or comment on my blog post with your 4 descriptions. Enjoy!