- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
It's Thursday already, keep up the amazing work! Keep having fun and stay active!
Remember to blog or email me when you have completed a task! Not everyone is blogging , logging onto TT RockStars or logging onto Education City: If you are struggling to log onto any of these please let me know via adult email: Year4_Home@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Don't forgot you can see photo's, videos and work from Year 4 by clicking on the link on Year 4's class page. Adults can send me photo's via email!
Here are today's tasks:
Task 1: English
LO: To understand and identify determiners and pronouns
Log onto Education City: click on class work then on English Task: Thursday 4th June and complete all the activities and only use the answer sheets to check your answers! It looks like this:
Task 2: Maths
LO: Challenging problems
Have a go at the challenges below (click on the PDF links). You can copy and completed these into you exercise book, don't forget the date, LO and make sure your work is presentable! Adults can help if you get stuck, use the answers to check your work only. Enjoy!
Task 3: RE
LO: To understand the story and journey of Paul
Today's RE task is all about exploring the story of Saint Paul and the journey he went on to spread the good news of God. If you click on the link below, it will take you to the school's video page of the website, the RE lesson is all explained by me on this video, sit back listen and Enjoy! The link below will take you to the school videos page you need to click on RE Lesson: Thursday 4th June video under videos for Year 4. You will need to pause on the slide of the questions to answer into your exercise books!