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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 10th July

Please take a moment to pray this morning, even though the building is closed we are still together as a school community.


Can you believe this is our last Friday of the year! Keep going, keep active! I have loved seeing all the work you have achieved this week and this year, you should be really proud!

Comment on the blog when you have completed a task and

keep emailing me your work if you want. 

Keep logging onto TT Rockstars and READING! Any problems let me know via adult email:

Today's work you will need your brains! Don't forget to have a look at the PE timetable below

Here are today's tasks:



Task 1: Maths

LO: Mental Maths

It's test time! Complete the activities on Education City, click on class work then on Maths Task: Friday 10th July. Blog me your results! Have fun! Print off or copy into your exercise books any worksheets.

When you have completed the test, log onto TT RockStars and practice your times tables.


Task 2: English

LO: SPaG Practice and Poetry Comprehension

Open the documents below and try your best complete the SPaG test and Poetry activities uploaded below.

Take your time, read the text and questions really carefully (DO NOT RUSH). Just try your best and use the answers to mark your work and blog me your results, enjoy!


Task 3: PSHE

LO: Relationships and Important People

This is a really important time for us to consider the relationships we have with people and who is important to us and why. Take a look at the activities below, taking time to reflect on how your relationships with your friends may have changed over this period of time.

Click on PowerPoint and follow the instructions carefully, there are also 3 word documents below (Resources 1, 2 and 3). The PowerPoint will tell you when you complete a resource sheet, have them ready, you can either print them out or type straight onto the document.

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