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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 21st May

It's Thursday already, keep up the amazing work! Keep having fun and stay active! Today's Maths task is on the white rose website, Enjoy! Remember to blog or email me when you have completed a task! Not everyone is blogging , logging onto TT RockStars or logging onto Education City: If you are struggling to log onto any of these please let me know via adult email:

Don't forgot you can see photo's, videos and work from Year 4 by clicking on the link on Year 4's class page. Adults can send me photo's via email!

Here are today's tasks:


PE Today: England Athletics Weekly Challenge with Jenny Meadows: Week 5 - Agility, Balance and Co-ordination


Task 1: English

LO: To write a recount as another character

Watch the video again and using your plan  from yesterday think about some sentence you could use to write a recount (pretending to be the explorer: explain what is happening). 

The Egyptian Pyramid - Another Dig

Still image for this video

Now I want you to write a recount into you exercise books: pretending to be the explorer, and explain everything that is happening. When writing use your plan and the success criteria below to mark your own writing, make sure you can say you have done all these things: 

(I have uploaded my recount, pretending to be the camel, below to help you understand how I want yours to look)

Success Criteria - When writing your recount make sure to:

  • You have used a variety of sentence lengths including carefully chosen shorter sentences for emphasis. (simple, compound and complex)
  • You have included plenty of descriptive detail to make my writing vivid and lively. (interesting adjectives)
  • You have used some fronted adverbial carefully. (e.g. Carefully entering the pyramid, I...)
  • You have stayed in the first person. (use I, My and Me)
  • You have read every sentence and checked your work. (Edit if you want!)


Task 2: Maths

LO: To round decimals

To access today’s maths click on the link below:
Complete lesson 1: Summer Term – Week 2 (w/c 27th April)​​​​​​,(remember to scroll down and click on the right pink week tab), watch the video lesson, then click on the activity. You can either print of the work sheet and complete the work, or copy the answers into your exercise book. After you can check your answers with an adult clicking on the answers sheet! BUT NO CHEATING! Enjoy!

It looks like this:


Task 3: Science

LO: To understand the water cycle

Log onto Education City, click on class work and then on Science Task: Thursday 21st May. Complete all the activities and use the answers to check you work. It looks like this: 

After you have completed all these activities can you please draw me an artistic water cycle diagram into your books or on paper. Label the diagram to show you have understood this lesson. Enjoy! 

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