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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 1st February

Good morning Year 6!

It's Monday and the start of our fifth week of online learning in 2021! Everyone at home is trying really hard and we are very proud of you. Watch out for a newsletter from school about logging in to a Year 6 Teams meeting every morning for home learners to catch up with each other and their teacher. This sounds great and fingers crossed it will start on Wednesday this week.

There is a new tab underneath Class Pages on the school website - Taking Care of your Mental Health. Here you will find many activities and lots of advice on how to improve your mood. Click on it and have a read!

Congratulations to Izabella who was our star home learner last week! Who will be our star pupil this week? Get out your books and pens and start this week by trying your best today. All 3 lessons MUST be completed EVERYDAY along with daily reading and exercise. Good luck everyone!



Today's exercise choices:

1. Go outside for a refreshing walk.

2. Click on the link to Go Noodle and complete 3 of your favourite routines.

3. Click on the link to Joe Wicks to tackle his Monday exercise routine.

4. Have a go at the Bingo Challenge Mr Steele has put on the main Class Page - this looks fun!



Well, did we meet our target of 100 books by Friday? We actually SMASHED our target with a collective total of 111 books read! AMAZING work Year 6! Our top readers for Friday were, Theo B, Kainen and Julia. A BIG thank you to these 3 students! Remember to check the Y6 blog post dated 8.1.21 for log in instructions. Aim for 10 - 15 minutes of reading each day. I am letting you pick your own book to read so you can find something you are interested in. Log on and get reading.


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 1-2-21 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.


LO: To translate shapes accurately

In today's lesson we are staying on the co-ordinate grid. You have lots of super knowledge of co-ordinates so feel confident! We are going to learn how to TRANSLATE or SLIDE shapes on the co-ordinate grid. There are only 2 ways we can slide the shapes: up and down OR left and right. Click on the clip below to watch how to do this. It seems easy, sliding shapes around, but you MUST follow the steps. TRANSLATE EACH VERTEX (CORNER) OF THE SHAPE - DON'T BE TEMPTED TO GUESS WHERE THEY GO!!

When you have listened to and watched the clip carefully, click to download the powerpoint document. There are 3 worksheets on this document. EVERYONE must complete the first 2 worksheets. You can print them out or complete them in your maths book. If you fancy a challenge, have a go at the last worksheet.

Good luck everyone!

Translations - Primary

This video explains how to translate shapes. Ideal for Key Stage 2 (SATs) or Key Stage 3 consolidation.Questions:


LO: To spell words with the suffix 'ous'

LO: To understand a text

Today's lesson includes 2 tasks. Read the information and instructions on the slides below to find out how to successfully complete your English work today. Enjoy!


LO: To compare Chile and the UK

Click on the Oak Academy link below to a lesson taught by Miss Harrison who LOVES South America. She will explore how Chile and the UK are sometimes similar and sometimes different using physical geography, human geography and natural resources. It makes you think! Make sure you have your exercise book and pen ready to complete the tasks she sets you. There is a great poster activity to do today! Blog or email your work in the normal way.



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