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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 19th January

Good morning! Hope you are all well. Another brilliant day yesterday from most of you where I saw some excellent work. However there were a lot of you that I didn’t hear from. Remember you need to complete your work each day and make sure you email it or send it on the blog.


I am so impressed with how many books you have read on EPIC. You have nearly reached 200!


Here are your lessons for today to complete alongside reading and TTRS.


You must send your work by email or the blog.

LO – To develop knowledge of relative clauses.

Today we will focus on relative clauses – one of my favourite grammar skills! A relative clause ca be used to give additional information about a noun. They are introduced by a relative pronoun like ‘that’, ‘which’, ‘who’, ‘whose’, ‘where’ and ‘when’. For example:


I like the boy who is wearing the red coat.

The puppies, which were born last week, have all been sold.


There are 2 parts to your lesson and you must complete both parts.

  1. Click on the link below which will take you to your lesson on Oak Academy. Listen to the teacher on the video very carefully. When there is a task to do, you must pause the video and complete it.

2. Open up the document below which has a range of questions on relative clauses. Please answer the questions in your book. You can also work on the sheet if you are able to print it.

LO – To use a formal method of subtraction.

Yesterday I saw some brilliant work on addition. Today we move on to using a formal method of subtraction. Please watch the video below which will guide you through your lesson. Then complete the worksheet below and mark your work when you have finished.

Subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits

The next task is optional for those of you who want an extra challenge.

LO – To know the names of French sports.

Hello Year 5,


In French today we are continuing with our sports topic, and you will learn how to say you play a sport. The slides below are useful if you need to recap on last week’s learning.

First of all, you need to watch the video on the school video page - it is called Year 5 Sports learning. There are some tasks on the video and you will be asked to pause the video at certain points while you complete the task.


At the end of the video there is an explanation of the task - listen carefully to the instruction. Once the video has finished, open the PDF document below and complete the sentences in your books.


Please remember to blog or email photographs of your work!

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