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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 26th January

Good morning Year 3,


I hope you are all well... remember to keep smiling!
We are in Week 4 of Home Learning now and you are all SMASHING it! Well done Year 3. 


Today you have 3 tasks:


1. Maths

2. English

3. French 


If you log onto TTRS, you will notice that I have started another Battle! Let's see if the GIRLS can win this week! COME ON GIRLS!


I would also like you to do some reading today, you can either read a book that you have at home or choose one on Get Epic. Comment on my post on the blog to let me know what book you have been reading today!


Have a great day! 

Love Mrs Sethi :) 


LO: To subtract money.

Yesterday you were adding amounts of money, today you are going to be subtracting them. Watch the video carefully, pausing it to work out the questions and then work your way through the worksheet I have attached below.

Subtract money


LO: To investigate suffixes.
To start our lesson, you need to follow the link below and then watch the video. Today you are going to be looking at suffixes – remember these go at the END of a word.


If the teacher asks you to pause the video and do a task in your books, make sure you pause it. Listen carefully to the teacher and then send me a picture of your work on my email. Enjoy!

Task 3: French


Bonjour! We are continuing our learning today by introducing colours to describe the animals we have been learning. 

1. Watch the youtube video using the link below. This video is a reminder of our numbers from 1-12 as we will need to know this for one of the tasks at the end of the lesson.

2. Watch the video on the school video page - use the link below to take you to the school video page, the video is in the French home learning section and has the title Year 3 26,01.2021. As you watch the video you will need to pause at certain points to write down new vocabulary into your books. Please make sure you have all the colours written down, as well as the numbers.

The end of the video explains the tasks based on the worksheets below.

3. Complete the two worksheets below. If you do not have the work sheet, have a go at drawing an outline of the animal to colour in.


I will post the answers to the second sheet on the blog later today so you will be able to check your answers.

Please remember to blog or email pictures of your work!


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