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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 27th January

Good morning Year 6!

Today is Wednesday so we have made it to the middle of the week. You have sent some excellent work in today on missing co-ordinates and on note taking for our write today. I also saw some great French work. Did everyone see Dylan's photo of different Apollo Mission coins? Have a look, it's great! Thanks Dylan! Let's keep up that brilliant work today...



Today's exercise choices:

1. Go outside for a refreshing walk (it might stay dry).

2. Click on the link to Go Noodle and complete 3 of your favourite routines. (Today we did Fresh Start x 2 and The Water Cycle on Blazer Fresh).

3. Click on the link to Joe Wicks to tackle his exercise routine. (He's back on today). 

4. Have a go at the Bingo Challenge Mr Steele has put on the main Class Page - this looks fun!



GREAT NEWS! Today we are up the grand total of 78 books read by our class. Top readers today are Giuseppe, Julia and Georgie. I reckon we could make 100 books by the end of the week!  Aim for 10 - 15 minutes of reading each day and we will make it! Come on!


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 27-1-21 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.


LO: To write an instruction text

Today, you need your notes from yesterday along with your exercise book and pen ready to write your instruction text. It is not difficult! Just follow the instructions on the powerpoint slides below. Don't forget to click on the Kenyan Safari text below which is a great example of an instruction text. You can steal some great ideas from it!

Maths Topic- Integers and Decimals

L.O Understanding other powers of 10 within 1 million.

We are starting a new topic this week in maths. It follows on from our lessons on decimals and instead of WHITE ROSE we are using OAK ACADEMY.

We will start by looking at our place value columns and learning how to divide them equally. If we know that 10 can be split into two 5’s, four 2.5’s or ten 1’s then we can use this knowledge to help us spilt 100, 1000, 10,000, 10,0000 etc.

Your teacher is Mrs Harris, and she will guide you through your lesson.


Click on the link below to open your lesson and let me know how you did on the BLOG or EMAIL. What did you score on the quiz?

RE LO Books of the Old Testament

1. Click on the video link and watch the video called 27-1-21 JONAH AND THE WHALE. This video will explain your task. (You must watch this.)

2. Watch the You Tube Video below - JONAH AND THE WHALE. 

3. Draw a story board of JONAH AND THE WHALE in your book. This is explained in the video. 
Send me a picture using the BLOG or EMAIL. 
Picture 1 - God sends a message to Jonah. He tells him to go to Nineveh and tell the people to be good and follow God. 
Picture 2- Jonah didn’t want to go, so he jumped on a boat and went to sea. 
Picture 3 - God was angry with Jonah and sent a storm which was so bad that the captain thought the boat was going to sink. 
Picture 4- Jonah knew the storm was his fault so he told the captain to throw him over. They threw Jonah over, the storm stopped and then an enormous whale ate Jonah. 
Picture 5- Jonah was stuck inside the whales belly. He prayed to God and said he was sorry and he would go to Nineveh. After 3 days the whale vomited Jonah onto dry land. 
Picture 6 - Jonah went to Nineveh and told the people to be good and follow God. The people listened to Jonah and God was happy and didn’t destroy the city. 

Jonah and the whale


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