- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Good Morning Year 1
Today please complete your science from Miss Kidd.
Please also make sure you keep moving even though the weather is awful outside.
Here is the information from Lancashire schools if you would like to take part. If you do, please send me some photo's and I will send them to Mr Steele. He is going to choose some for the newsletter and they will be on the website too.
10.00am- Why not open the day with this celebration video?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdRuNnjzN0g&t=7s (with subtitles)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4NuMESfqg8 (no subtitles)
10.15am : Take part in the Danceathon
Full Celebration dance routine- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9O_hEY4a84&t=4s
10.30am: onwards - enjoy your sportsday!
2.30pm: Thank you - for taking part
Closing video - https://youtu.be/pV6aiGr9uG0
Today you need to log onto Education City and complete the Maths there.
This week we are going over things we have been doing as a little bit of revision and reminder.
Today's Maths Is called TUESDAY 30TH JUNE
I would like you to get out three sheets that we have used before. PHASE 2-5 TRICKY WORDS.
I would like you to read all of, or as many of these words as you are able to and let me know how many you can read. Make it fun if you are finding it easier by trying to read them as quickly as possible. This is a job we would normally do at this time of year to get you using these words and reading them fluently, without sounding them out.
See what you can do!
Thank you Year 1 I have recorded another story for you below too.
Love Mrs Clough