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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



ENGLISH: Monday 13th July

ENGLISH: Friday 10th July

English: Thursday 9th July

English: Wednesday 8th July

English: Tuesday 7th July

English: Monday 6th July

English: Friday 3rd July

English: Thursday 2nd July

English: Wednesday 1st July

English: Tuesday 30th June

English: Monday 29th June

English: Friday 26th June

English: Thursday 25th June

English: Wednesday 24th June

English: Tuesday 23rd June

English: Monday 22nd June

English: Friday 19th June

English: Thursday 18th June

English: Wednesday 17th June

English: Tuesday 16th June

English: Monday 15th June

English: Friday 12th June

English: Thursday 11th June

English: Wednesday 10th June

English: Tuesday 9th June

English: Monday 8th June

English: Thursday 4th June

English: Tuesday 2nd June

English: Monday 1st June

Wednesday 20th May: Answers Inside the World of Jam

Tuesday 19th May: Present Perfect Tense Answers

Monday 18th May: Present Perfect Tense

Wednesday 13th May: Comprehension Answers

English: Tuesday 12th May

English: Monday 11th May

Thursday 7th May

Wednesday 6th May

Tuesday 5th May

Friday 1st May

Answers to Idiom Questions

Answers to the passive voice questions:

Thursday 30th April

Wednesday 29th April

Tuesday 28th April

Tuesday 28th April: Answers for Annie Baba

Monday 27th April

Week 3: Wednesday 8th April

Week 3: Tuesday 7th April ANSWERS

Week 3: Monday 6th April

Week 2: Thursday 2nd April

Week 2: Wednesday 1st April

Week 2: Tuesday 31st March

Week 2: Monday 30th March

Monday 23rd March: English Comprehension

Tuesday 24th March: Comprehension answers

Tuesday 24th March: 1001 Arabian Nights Chapter 1 Extracts

Wednesday 25th March

Thursday 26th March: English similes and metaphors

Thursday 26th March: Year 6 Similes and Metaphors

Friday 27th March: Paragraph to describe Shaharazade

Friday 27th March: Introduction to Chapter 2

Friday 27th March: Shaharazad descriptions

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