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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 8th April

Hello Year 1 welcome to 'What are we going to do Wednesday!'


Today, please can you make sure you PE with Joe and get some fresh air in the lovely sunshine.


I have seen people outdoors painting, creating and footballing. It all looks like great fun.


Today can you please your targeted comprehension book and complete page 7, What's for dinner?'

Then . in one of your lines exercise books please imagine that you are one of the children in the pictures and write two sentences about each picture to show and explain the order of the pictures and what's happening please.


Then I would like you to play this number game with your grown up to show them how great you are with numbers.


Counting and Comparing Numbers to 10

This activity will help your child with counting and comparing numbers to 10.


Important words and phrases:

  • Count
  • one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
  • more
  • fewer
  • 1 more
  • 1 less
  • greater
  • smaller
  • What number comes next?

You will need:

  • 10 green counters and 10 red counters; or similar objects e.g. ten 5p coins and ten 1p coins

What to do:

  • Put 10 counters of the same colour in front of your child. Ask: “How many counters are there?”
  • Encourage your child to count carefully to 10, pointing and saying a number once for each counter.

You can help your child by putting the counters in a row and counting along.

  • Repeat this activity with different numbers of counters (up to 10).
  • Now show two separate groups of up to 10 counters, for example 6 green counters and 10 red counters. Ask: “How many green counters are there? How many red counters are there?”
  • Repeat this activity with different numbers of counters (up to 10 in each group).
  • Ask your child some questions that involve comparing the numbers of objects: “Are there more green counters or more red counters? Are there fewer green counters or fewer red counters?”
  • Now show your child a group of less than 10 counters. Agree with them how many there are.
  • Add 1 counter to the group. Say: “There is 1 more counter. How many counters are there now?”
  • Repeat this, adding or taking away 1 counter each time.


Talk about:

Use everyday opportunities to practise counting and comparing numbers to 10. For example:

  • Count up to or down from numbers to 10 when doing up buttons or putting away toys.
  • Practise counting and finding 1 more or 1 less at mealtimes: “If I eat 1 raspberry, I will have 1 less raspberry. How many raspberries will I have?”
  • Count and compare items of shopping: “There are 5 apples and 8 bananas. Are there more apples or more bananas? Which number is greater, 5 or 8?”

Look out for:

  • Encourage your child to answer your questions in full sentences. For example, if you ask:

“How many counters are there?” encourage your child to answer using the format “There are 10 counters.”




Next I want you to read the story of the Last Supper with your grown up and then, because of how impressed I was with your creations on Monday, Make me a picture, printing, creation  which shows Jesus and his friends at the Last Supper or Jesus showing his friends that he is their servant by washing their feet.



The Last Supper

On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the disciples asked Jesus, "Where would you like us to plan for you to eat the Passover feast?" 

Jesus replied to them, "Go into the city and you will find a man. Tell him that we would like to come to his house for Passover."

First of all, what is the Feast of Unleavened Bread? What is the Passover? These are actually the same things. The Jews celebrated the Passover ever since the time of Moses, when the Lord saved all the Israelite babies.  This was when the Lord 'passed over' their houses, and they were kept safe. 

During the time of the Passover celebrations, the people didn't eat or have any bread in their homes with yeast in it.  Yeast is what makes the bread all big and puffy.  Without yeast, the bread is flat and that is called unleavened bread. 

The disciples did just as Jesus asked, and they found a place and got ready for the Passover.

The evening came, and Jesus and the twelve disciples sat to eat the meal.  The disciples were eating quietly because they had a lot on their minds.  They were worried. Some people wanted to kill Jesus since he was getting so popular.

Jesus could see the disciples were worried.  He said to them quietly, "I tell you the truth, one of you here will betray me." 

The disciples looked at each other in shock, and some of them asked Jesus, "It isn't me, is it Lord?"

Jesus replied, "The one who dips his bread into the bowl with me will betray me.  I will die, just as it is written, but the man who betrays me will feel sorry forever.

Then Judas, with his head down spoke quietly to Jesus, "It isn't me, is it?" 

Jesus answered, "Yes, you are the one." 

Judas' head went down even lower; he had hoped that the other disciples had not heard what Jesus said.  Luckily, they were paying more attention to Jesus breaking apart some bread.

He thanked God for the bread and shared it with the disciples and said, "Take this and eat it.  This is my body which is given for you".  Then He took a full cup, thanked God for it and said, "This is my blood, which will be poured out for many people so their sins may be forgiven."  They all took a sip from the cup.

The meal continued after this; it was a long celebration.  The disciples took their time because they enjoyed talking with Jesus and asking Him questions

After some time, Jesus got up from the table and went to a different part of the room.  He took off his everyday clothes and put a large towel around himself to look like a servant.  After that, he poured water into a large bowl and began to wash the disciples' feet.  Then dried them with the towel that was wrapped around Him.

First of all, Jesus is a King - but even greater than a king: He's the King of Kings!  By washing the disciples’ feet, He was doing something that only a servant would do. 

 This would be like if someone famous came to your house and started to clean your room -- even getting down on their hands and knees to clean under your bed!  It would never happen.

When it was Peter's turn to get his feet cleaned he said to Jesus, "Lord, are you going to wash my feet?" 

Jesus replied, "You don't understand what I am doing, but you will later."  

"No," said Peter, "you will never wash my feet."  He said this because he didn't feel right having Jesus wash his feet.  He knew Jesus was very special.

Jesus replied back to him, "If I don't wash your feet, you cannot be with me."  

"Then, Lord," Peter replied, "don't just wash my feet but my hands and head too."  Jesus then explained that He only needed to wash his feet; and that, this would make his whole body clean.

When Jesus had finished washing all of the disciples' feet, he put his everyday clothes back on and returned to the table.  "Do you understand what I have done for you?"  Jesus asked them.  "You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and that is who I am.  And now that I have washed your feet, you can also wash one another's feet."  

This is an example of how you should treat others.  You don't have to actually wash other people's feet, but doing nice things for others and acting like a servant for Jesus, that is what He wants you to do.  If you do these things, Jesus will be happy.


Well Year 1 you are going to be busy today. 

Please don't forget to email me your work and your creations. I can't wait to put them together so we can all see each others work.


See you tomorrow

Love Mrs Clough


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