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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 1st May

Good morning Year 5. Well, we made it to Friday and you’ve completed another week of home learning. I’m really missing you now but you are keeping me happy by completing your work, posting on the blog and emailing me. You can now have two days off to relax at home! Let me know what you are going to do to keep busy at home this weekend. I forgot to ask, do any of you have a subscription to Disney+? I watched the program on the National Geographic part of it on elephants. It was amazing! Try and watch it if you can! I wonder what else I could watch on there! Comment on my blog post and let me know!

Here is your work for today. Try your very best and please comment on my blog post or email me your work. Thank you for this week…I am one very proud teacher.

LO – To read and understand a text

It’s a reading lesson today! Please get your CGP Comprehension Book and read ‘Why Recycle’ on page 6. Then answer the questions on page 7. Take your time and read the text and questions carefully.

LO – To solve a range of mixed operation word problems

Today is our final day on multistep word problems. You’ve all done really well thinking about which operation to use and in which order. Today, I would like you to log in to Education City and complete Friday 1st May which is under classwork. Play the game and then complete the worksheets. You must read the questions carefully and think about what it is asking you to solve. A few of you are just picking out the numbers and adding them together! You need to make sure the totals for each number sentence are equal.


LO – To understand what happened on the road to Emmaus

Immediately after the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead, the disciples were unsure and uncertain of the significance of what had happened until they had met with Jesus who helped them understand.  Read the full story below and then watch the video to help you understand the story more.

The Seriously Surprising Story

Now, I would like you to design a story board to show what happened on the road to Emmaus.  Annotate the images to show you understand how the disciples knew it was Jesus when they reflected on their experiences.


I have attached a storyboard template that you can print off and use but if you don’t have a printer, draw lines carefully and make one yourself. Take your time with your drawings and ensure you are writing neatly and in full sentences underneath. You may choose to add some speech bubbles. Please take pride in this and take your time. You know that I like your work to be neat and your best at all times! You can see some examples below but yours are likely to be better. Please email them to me or post them on the blog.

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