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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 15th July

Good morning Year 5. It’s the second to last day and then it’s summer! Keep going you’re all doing so well. 


Here are your lessons for today:

LO – To answer questions on a given text

Today I would like you to get your CGP Comprehension Book for the last time this year! I would like you to read ‘The Wind in the Willows’ on p24 and then answer the questions on p25. I would also like you to read ‘Hiding out’ on p26 and then answer the questions on p27. That’s 14 questions in total. Read the extracts carefully and take your time when answering the questions.


LO – To identify prime and composite numbers

Yesterday we looked at prime numbers (a number that can only be divided by 1 and itself). We are going to continue with that today but we are also going to look at composite numbers. Composite numbers are whole numbers that can be divided by numbers other than itself and 1. They have factors.


Please log on to education City and complete your lesson ‘15/7/20 – Prime and composite. Work your way through all of the different parts and try your best.


Today’s Music lesson is a fun quiz you can do with someone in your family or on your own. Play the videos below to hear the music and guess the song and artist. You can do all 3 quizzes or just choose one. Have fun!


Guess the Disney Song

Music Quiz with answers

Still image for this video
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