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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Forest School

We enjoyed learning about birds, bird watching, making nests and bird feeders in our final forest school session of the year!

We enjoyed learning about types of trees and playing in our secret garden in our first spring session!

We enjoyed another morning outside making jingle sticks to sprinkle special magic on Christmas Eve and then sat round the fire, where we roasted marshmallows to eat between chocolate biscuits!

Here we are building and painting our very own poppies! We also enjoyed some circle time games at the end of the session, followed by a delicious biscuit!

We had another fun Forest School session which was linked to Remembrance! We loved searching for poppy pictures to match our poppy sheets and playing in the different areas of our Secret Garden!

Our wonderful Forest School art! We made fabulous leaf crowns, leaf pictures, conker danglers, lovely wooden cookie necklaces and collected beautiful autumn treasures!

We had lots of fun learning about seasons and weather, identifying common and wild garden plants and trees and identifying common animals.

More photographs of us making our wooden cookie necklaces, conker danglers, leaf pictures and enjoying a biscuit and juice!

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