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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 28th April

Welcome to Tuesday, amazing work yesterday keep it up! Keep having fun and stay active! In case you missed me too much, today's English task has my voice on the PowerPoint explaining what to do! Remember to blog or email me when you have completed a task! Enjoy!

I have also started a TT RockStars boys vs girls tournament which ends on Friday, lets see who wins!



Task 1: English

LO: To use imagination and sense to create descriptive writing

Today's English task is all explained in the PowerPoint below (click on the link), I have added my voice to each slide explaining what to do (click on the speaker button). Write into your exercise books or paper, don't forget the date and learning object. Have fun and enjoy using your imagination to write!

English Task with Mr Steele's explanation!

This is what the slides should look like for English.


Task 2: Maths

LO: Place value up to 4 digits

Today's Maths task you need to log onto Education City, click on classwork and click on Maths Task: Tues 28th April. Complete all the activities, copy any sheets into you exercise book and only use the answers to check your work! Enjoy!


Task 3: French

Welcome back Year 4. This half term we are going to be looking at places in town. There is some new vocabulary to learn and a task for you to complete on the PowerPoint below (click on the link). The PowerPoint has got an audio button on each slide - if you click on the speaker button you will hear some additional information to help you! (similar to the read-around PowerPoint button) Enjoy!


French task Tues 28th April

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