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- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Good morning Year 5 and happy Friday. Another week completed! I received some wonderful work and pictures yesterday so thank you. It’s lovely to see what you have all been doing and I know most of you are working so hard. Today, there is another TTRS battle which is part of your Maths lesson. Everybody needs to join in and I will send certificates to the top 3 boy scorers and the top 3 girl scorers. Here is what else I would like you to do:
LO – To read and respond to a text
Today I would like you to get your CGP Comprehension Book and turn to page 10. Read the poem on The Great Fire of London and then answer the questions on page 11. You might need to read the poem more than once as it is quite difficult with some high level vocabulary and language.
LO – To convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa.
There are two parts to today’s lesson and you must complete both.
LO – To understand that Saul was transformed by the Holy Spirit
Today we are going to look at how Saul became Paul. He was a Jew who came from Tarsus. In the Acts of the Apostles Paul explains what happened to him and how he was converted. Read the information on the slides below and then watch the video clip.
I would then like you to answer the following questions in full sentences:
Then, I would like you to split your page in half. On one side of the page, draw a picture of Saul and on the other side, draw a picture of Paul. Think about what qualities Saul had and what qualities Paul had. Write these into sentences and explain why. For example: Saul was a very sinful person as he disrespected and even killed people who believed in Jesus. Paul was a happy and loving person who spread the word of Jesus. Aim for at least 4 sentences under each picture.
Well done Year 5, you’ve completed another week of home learning and have sent me some fabulous work. Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you next week for our last week of home learning before half term. Hasn’t that half term gone quick?