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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 14th January

Good morning again Year 5! I hope you’re all keeping safe and well. Thank you for sending in all your work and working hard at home. I’m hearing from almost all of you so I’m very impressed and happy! If you still have work to do, please do try and catch up. Please complete your 3 learning tasks today alongside reading (EPIC and Danny the Champion of the World) and TTRS. I’m impressed with how many books you are reading on EPIC!


You must send your work by email or blog.

LO – To write a discussion text

Today is our last lesson on discussion texts. We have read some examples, looked at the features and sorted for and against points. Yesterday, you created some for and against points for the discussion ‘Should animals be kept in zoos?’


Today I would like you to use these points to now write your own discussion text on whether animals should be kept in zoos. Look at the slides below to recap on the structure and features. Also read the two examples I have uploaded below which will help you write your own. I am happy for you to type your text or write it in your book. Whatever you choose, I do expect your best work and I am looking forward to reading them.

LO – To use and understand square and cube numbers.


There are 2 parts to your maths lesson and you must do both.


We did lots of work on square numbers in the Autumn Term in our Maths Meetings so I know you’re excellent at this! Please complete the activities on the picture below.

Next you are going to look at cube numbers, something we haven’t done a lot of in  class yet. Please watch the video below which will guide you through your lesson. As usual, pause the video when you need to answer a question.


Then complete the worksheet below and mark it when you have finished.

Cube numbers

LO – To know how Jesus spread Good News to the poor.

Read the Scripture below on the slides. Then answer the following questions in your book


  1. Why was the Spirit of God given to Jesus?
  2. How does Isaiah describe God’s love?
  3. How do you think the people felt as they listened to those words?
  4. Who are the people mentioned by Isaiah?
  5. Why did he select those people in particular?
  6. Where do you think we see these people today?

Now I would like you to re-write Isaiah’s passage in your own words and explain how you can live out this message today.  Decorate with signs and symbols relating to the scripture. Here is an example (your will look a lot nicer because it will be decorated!)



Have a super day. I am looking forward to receiving your work.

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