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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 7th April

Happy Tuesday!

Today there are English and maths lessons to complete as normal and some creative work to get stuck into. We received lots of super work yesterday but make sure you complete ALL tasks set for you as you would in school. Blog or email your work - will you make it into the Hall of Fame this week? Who knows! Get logged on, open your workbooks and pick up your pen. It's time to learn...


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 7-4-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.




Click on the link to access PE      


Maths L.O Square and Cube Numbers

Firstly, click on the link below and watch the video which will explain the task. Then click on the PDF below which will show you how to set the work out in your maths book. Please don’t try to do the work without watching the video and looking at the worksheet.

Task: Part 1- Square Numbers

1², 2², 3², 4², 5², 6², 7², 8², 9², 10²

For each of these calculations:

1.Write them as a multiplication fact.
2.Write the answer.
3.Draw an array.

Task: Part 2- Cube Numbers

1³, 2³, 3³, 4³, 5³, 6³, 7³, 8³, 9³, 10³

For each of these calculations:

1.Write them as a multiplication fact.
2.Write the answer.
3.Draw and label a cube.

Finally, send me a picture of your work (BLOG or EMAIL) or BLOG me the first 10 square numbers and first 10 cube numbers if you can't take a picture. 


7-4-20 Worksheet L.O Square and Cube Numbers


LO: To spell words with the suffix cial/tial

Log in to Education City and complete the spelling task called Hammer Time 1.It's quite tricky so remember the words end in either -cial or -tial.

LO: To understand the structure of a story

These statements are all from the story you read yesterday of Ali Baba and the Forty Bandits. I have mixed up their order so the story now DOES NOT make sense. You task is to order them correctly so they recount the story from its start to the end.


1. Kasim visited the cave but forgot the magic words; he was killed by the bandits.

2. Ali Baba saw the thieves taking bulging saddlebags into the cave and then leave.

3. The bandit leader marked an X on Ali Baba's doorpost.

4. Ali Baba's wife borrowed a measuring jug from her husband's brother to measure the gold.

5. Ali Baba took two donkeys to the forest to collect firewood.

6. The bandit leader searched for who had stolen the treasure.

7. Ali Baba told the full story of what had happened to his brother, Kasim.

8. Ali Baba took his donkeys into the cave, loaded them with treasure and then set off home.


Write these statements in the correct order in your red exercise book or post your answer on the blog. I will reveal the answer tomorrow!

DT (Design and Technology)

LO: To use DT skills

Get creative today Year 6! You have an Easter task to complete and there are 3 options to choose from. They are all saved in the Design and Technology (DT) folder underneath the date folders on the Year 6 website page.

Option 1

Use the Easter Recipes document to make either: Easter Egg Nests, Hot Cross Buns or Hot Cross Cookies. You will need an ADULT to help you with this.

Option 2

Use the Symmetrical Easter Egg colouring sheets to complete the image of ONE Easter Egg using whatever felt tips, colour pencils or paints you have. Choose whichever egg pattern you like the best. You could print the template or copy it yourself into a blank page of your red exercise book and then colour it. After colouring, cut it out and stick it onto a folded piece of paper or card. Write Happy Easter in beautiful writing on the front and then write a greeting to your family inside the card.

Option 3

Open the Easter Themed Basket Craft instructions. There are 3 baskets for you to print, colour and then make up. Choose your favourite ONE to complete. If you cannot print, then copy the template onto a blank sheet of your red exercise book, colour and then make it. What will you put inside your basket?


I can’t wait to see your photographs of your DT work! Whose photo will make it onto the WAGOLL this week? Enjoy!


LO: To understand French traditions

As we are now in La Semaine Sainte (Holy Week) we are going to learn more about French Easter traditions. We'd like you to read the information on the webpage to discover lots of facts and traditions about Easter in France and then use the link at the bottom of the page to answer the 14 questions on the quiz. Please post your scores on the French blog post so we can see how you have done.

The second part of your task is to create a poster to highlight some of the French Easter traditions. I love the idea of 'les cloches volantes' (the flying bells) and they would definitely be on my poster! Try to use some of the French words you have learned to label pictures on your poster. There are lots of ideas you could include, especially related to all the different foods.

Please blog/email pictures of your posters for us to see - I'm really missing your beautiful French work!

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