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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 8th February 2021

Hello Year One,

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend with your families. We didn’t get any snow over the weekend which I though we might have done. However, the weather man said there is more on its way. So, we have one more week and then half term. This week I have planned lots of exciting tasks for you to complete. We are coming to an end on our Polar Region Adventure. I will hopefully be speaking to you all this morning, I can’t wait! Please find below your lessons and tasks for today.

Enjoy and have fun!

Miss Armstrongsmiley

Let's wake up our bodies and start the week strong! 

Build Your Body and Build Your Brain


Your Phonics task today will include a Mirror, I have attached a set of high frequency words. You do not have to print these off, you may wish to write these on separate pieces of paper to complete the task. However, if you do this you will notice that the writing is backwards. The words are this way due when you look through the mirror you will see the reflection the correct way.


Have a look at the selection of words through the mirror then write a sentence including the word.


Our topic of the Polar Region is slowly coming to an end. This week we are going to focus on creating several facts about the Arctic, Antarctica, different animal as well as lots of amazing facts that you have learnt about or already know.

Each day we will focus on one specific topic and complete a fantastic report. At the end of the week we will put it altogether using your fantastic creative skills.

Please click on the link to our school videos for more information. 

Please find your worksheet for today's lesson below. 

Count Backwards from 100 by 1's


LO: to measure lines to nearest cm using a ruler

We will be continuing looking at measurement this week. Today we will be learning to use a ruler to measure objects and lines. Please ask a grown up for a ruler as you will need one for today’s task.

Please see below your worksheet for today.


I have attached a little game for you to play using a ruler.


LO: To explore how do Polar Region animals stay warm.

You will need a few resources for today’s task, please click on the question worksheet first as two questions need answering before the experiment.

Then please click on the second worksheet for your experiment information.


Today’s experiment you will need ice cubes. If you do not have any premade. Please use an alternative method of placing a bowl or a plastic bottle filled with water into a freezer and remove 2 hours later. This is so the will be icy cold but not completely frozen.

Please send photos to

Enjoy and have fun!

Miss Armstrongheart

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