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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 11th September

English Homework


Hello Year 3,

Your English Homework this week is below. It is based on spellings with the 'ow' sound spelt 'ou'. I would like you to complete the sheet below and then write a sentence for each of the spellings. For example: 'During my dance class, I spun around the room like a tornado' 

I would like you to complete the sheet and sentences into your English Homework book at home and then either email me a picture at or attach a picture to the comments below. You don't need to print the sheet, just write your answers into your English Homework book. 

I would like this homework completed by Friday next week, you will also have a spelling test on Friday next week with these spellings, so keep practising them!

Maths Homework


Hello Year 3,

This week for your Maths Homework, I would like you to log onto Times Table Rockstars and play on 'Garage' for at least 15mins. 
I have set up a battle between the boys and the girls, I wonder who will win!! We can check in school on Friday next week to see who is the quickest: the boys or the girls! 



Have a lovely weekend! 


Love Mrs Sethi


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