English Homework
Hello Year 3,
Your English Homework this week is below. It is based on spellings with the 'ow' sound spelt 'ou'. I would like you to complete the sheet below and then write a sentence for each of the spellings. For example: 'During my dance class, I spun around the room like a tornado'
I would like you to complete the sheet and sentences into your English Homework book at home and then either email me a picture at Year3_home@st-john.lancs.sch.uk or attach a picture to the comments below. You don't need to print the sheet, just write your answers into your English Homework book.
I would like this homework completed by Friday next week, you will also have a spelling test on Friday next week with these spellings, so keep practising them!
Maths Homework
Hello Year 3,
This week for your Maths Homework, I would like you to log onto Times Table Rockstars and play on 'Garage' for at least 15mins.
I have set up a battle between the boys and the girls, I wonder who will win!! We can check in school on Friday next week to see who is the quickest: the boys or the girls!
Have a lovely weekend!
Love Mrs Sethi