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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 8th February

Good morning Year 5! I hope you had a lovely weekend. This week is our last week as we finish for half term on Friday! I’m so proud of you all for continuing to work so hard. Our TEAMS meetings continue this week every day at 9:10am. Please remember to join through the calendar and make sure you keep yourself muted at all times unless I tell you to unmute. I’ve really enjoyed our meetings so far and it is a lovely start to the day.


Here are your lessons for today. Please make sure you email or blog your work.

LO – To engage with a text.

This week in English we are going to study a book called The Giant’s Necklace by Michael Morpurgo. Your lessons will be on Oak Academy. In today’s lesson you will make some inferences from the front cover and learn some new vocabulary. Your main activity (as your teacher Ms. Henman will explain) is to create a mind map. I don’t want you to rush this. I would suggest doing this on an A3 piece of paper (if you have one) or using a double page spread in your book so you have more room. There are also some true or false questions to answer in your book at the end.

LO – To solve number puzzles.

This week in Maths we are going to use a range of skills to solve some number problems. Magic Squares are square grids with a special arrangement of numbers in them. These numbers are special because every row, column and diagonal adds up to the same number. The video below will give you more information.

Please open up the document below to find your activity. You need to solve the different magic squares by adding in the correct numbers. They start off easy (where it tells you the total) and then get trickier!


You don’t need to print the worksheet out so don’t worry if you can’t. Just write the answers in the squares in your Maths book. Mark your work when you have finished.

Extension activity if you finish. This task is optional.

Science – To understand the purpose of simple machines/End of unit assessment

Today is our last Science lesson on forces. There are 2 parts to your lesson and you must do them BOTH and you must do them in ORDER! Don’t go on Education City first as you won’t be able to answer the questions on machines.


1. Complete the lesson on Oak Academy by clicking the link below. Pause the video and complete the activities when you are asked to. The lesson focuses on gears, levers and pulleys to find out how they work and how they can be useful. 

2. Log in to Education City and find your end of unit assessment. It is under classwork and is called Science 8/2/21. Try your very best!

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