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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 11th May

Good morning Year 2!


I hope that you had a wonderful VE day and bank holiday weekend, enjoying lots of delicious food and sunshine. Here we are again at the start of another week, please keep on working hard and continuing to complete your tasks. I have loved seeing and hearing about your brilliant work and really appreciate the efforts that you put in, let's keep this going heart


Here are your learning tasks that I would like you to complete today.

Remember, you can email any work/ pictures you have completed to 


I am consistently monitoring your activity on online resources. Please make sure you’re accessing your daily tasks and making time to exercise!






It was SO close, but the Year 2 Girls have won!

The battle ended at 6pm- silly me had set it for half past 6 online- so above are the 6pm scores. Please accept my apologies for the mistake heart

Well done and thank you to everyone who took part and played. Our top coin scorers were KIAN and CHARLIE for the boys, HELAINA and AYDA for the girls! Certificates will be emailed to you today laugh


Monday 11th May     11/05/2020


Monday Morning Assembly

Please click on the link below and watch this beautiful assembly called ‘Hide and Seek’


Maths- L.O. Equivalence of a half and 2 quarters

Click on the link below, then click Week 2 and watch the clip ‘Lesson 5- Equivalence of a half and 2 quarters’.


Then I would like you to click ‘Get the activity’ next to the clip. If you have a printer, please print the activity sheets and complete them. If not, put the short date and objective in your red maths book and work your way through the questions. Please don't feel the need to copy out the questions if it's taking too long, only writing/drawing the answers is fine. I can understand and match your work to the questions.


English- Please find your KS1 English Comprehension Book. I would like you to read and answer page 7 ‘A trip to the shop’ and page 8 ‘No teacher’.


RE- L.O. To know about the Rosary.

As we are in the month of May, it is important that we think about and pray to Mary and Jesus.


Please read the power point below.


I would like you to get your creative head on and make/draw/colour/paint a set of Rosary beads using the information and examples from the slides. Take your time because each bead has a special prayer and order.


Please could you blog or email me a picture of your final product as I would love to use your picture to show off your wonderful work on our school website. I will award certificates for beautiful, neat and creative creations.


Thank you Year 2, have a great Monday.

Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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